The Great Exam Circus: A Desi Edition by Kumar Rajnish

 *The Great Exam Circus: A Desi Edition by Kumar Rajnish* 

As this Sunday morning sun painted the sky in hues of orange and pink, a bustling scene unfolded in a quaint Indian town, setting the stage for the greatest show on earth - competitive exam day.

Parents, armed with to-do lists longer than a Bollywood blockbuster, herded their young scholars with a mix of determination and trepidation. "Don't forget your admit card, ID, water bottle, pencil and pen, and a quick prayer to the exam gods!" they exclaimed, their voices a symphony of parental concern and hope.God bless my Baccha! 

At the exam center, the air crackled with nervous energy as parents bid farewell to their offspring, sending them off into the academic arena like gladiators to battle. Left to fend for themselves in the wilds of waiting, parents found solace in the makeshift marketplace that sprang up outside the exam premises. It's all Business - this is the underline and understatement, I am reading.

Amidst the chaos of makeshift street vendors and photo copier shops, a heated debate erupted among the parents, with Indian politics taking center stage. From heated discussions on the latest political scandals to impassioned debates on the upcoming elections, the air was thick with the scent of chai and controversy.

But amidst the political punditry, there was also room for a bit of relaxation and entertainment. With the advent of OTT platforms, parents eagerly swapped recommendations for the latest binge-worthy series, their excitement palpable as they discussed plot twists and melodious drama.

As the hours ticked by, parents found themselves drawn into the rhythm of exam day life, their senses overwhelmed by the sights, sounds, and smells of the bustling marketplace. Some indulged in home-cooked delights, while others succumbed to the temptation of street food, their stomachs rumbling with anticipation.

And as the sun began to set on exam day, weary but wiser parents emerged from the exam center, their children's futures hanging in the balance. But amidst the uncertainty, there was a sense of camaraderie, a shared bond forged in the crucible of parental love and laughter.

So, to all the parents who braved the circus of competitive exams with humor and grace, I salute you. May your children's dreams soar as high as the laughter that echoed through the halls of the exam center on that fateful Sunday. I am going to grab some Street foods and fulfill my appetite. And to those reading this tale from the comfort of their homes, may your Sunday be filled with the joy of good company, good food, and a good old-fashioned Indian drama. After all, life is the greatest show on earth, and we're all just here for the ride.


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